Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pictures of New Years on Copacabana

Party-goers on their way to Copacabana.

Me drinking beer in the taxi, 'cause I can!

Our names on Copacabana.

Getting closer to midnight...


Happy New Year!!

2 million people.

Us with Lucas, Felipe, Patricia and Daniel.

Giant TVs like this were all down the beach, broadcasting the show that was going on on the big stage in the middle of the beach. This is where we danced for 3 hours after midnight.


Linda Chamot said...

Happy New Year! What an amazing night it must have been. I hope every new year's eve is as wonderful for you both!
I have been thinking a lot about the English Language museum. We should have one room devoted solely to the humble English essay. I would also like to plan a retrospective of English insults - we could call it: From Othello to Outkast an English Diss-tory!
I have many more ideas as well.
Keep having fun!

Lauren and Greg said...

Awesome, Auntie Linda! Love the dissing idea. I'll think of some more ideas when I'm not trying to understand Portuguese.

Happy New Year to you and all the Chamots!! Miss you guys!