Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Recife Chapter 1

But it's really only one chapter or so long...

We've been spending most of our time in Recife relaxing, so there's not much to tell.

On Sunday we went into the Old Town of Recife, which was where the Dutch hung out for a bit before the Portuguese kicked them out in the 1600s. We went by bus, which was maybe one of the worst experiences of my life. We got on ok, but missed two stops because we couldn't get passed all the people to get off. Some lady was yelling at us in Portuguese, kids were crying, everyone was sweaty, and it was really gross. So when we finally got off the bus and walked back into the Old Town, we were pretty shaken up.

When we got into Old Town, there was a market, so we went through that without feeling like we might die. Then we tried to find the mall that was made out of something old, but we were too scared to walk there, so we got a taxi back to the hotel, went to a restaurant and drank some chopp to calm down. So gringo.

Yesterday we took a nice touristy tour of Olinda (Recife's neighbour city) and Old Town, which wasn't nearly as scary this time and actually very interesting. The buildings in Olinda didn't use to have numbers on them, so they painted them all different colours to identify one from the other. We also went to a prison that has been converted to a giant souvenir shopping mall. The bars on the windows had been decorated for Christmas. Very Festive!!

Today Vivienne, who works at the hotel and likes us 'cause we're not American, took us to Poto da Galinhas (Chicken Port), where her family has a beach house. It's called Chicken Port because after slavery was abolished, they continued to use this port for slave trading, hiding the slaves in the boat under crates of chickens, and then yelling that they had new chickens for sale. Chickens=slaves. We also saw real chickens. One jumped up onto a wall from about 3 feet down. I didn't know chickens could jump. I was really impressed. And the beach was nice, too.

We'll try to get some pictures up soon... this computer won't let us.

Beijos, tchau!


Phys said...

I'm sure the Brazilians are more afraid of you then you are of them. They probably saw the Dutchness in Greg and thought they were coming to take back the town, so they started yelling at you...and then the kids started crying because they hate pannenkoeken.

Linda Chamot said...

I really don't get this Phys guy?? Is it satire?

Lauren and Greg said...

I don't get him either... who is this guy???

Mum said...

I don't get any of this. Therefore, I reject it.