Friday, January 16, 2009

Recife Pictures

The view of Recife from our hotel balcony.

Us with Marina, Renata, Nubia, Andrea and some of their friends. We got pretty lost trying to find this place, which has two locations in Recife. But we found it and it was great!

View of the busy beach (Boa Viagem) from our hotel balcony. The beach-goers would start at about 7 am and by 10 am it would be totally full.


Me reading on Boa Viagem.

A church in Olinda. The alter is made of real gold. We saw many churches with gold alters.

The church from the outside.
The streets of Olinda, where the houses are painted different colours so that people knew which one was theirs.
More colourful houses.

I'm Christo!!
The Old Town of Recife, when we weren't so scared of it anymore.

This used to be a jail, but now it's a giant souvenir mall.

I have no idea who these people are.

Porto de Galinhas.

Me and Vivienne, who was nice enough to take us to the beach!
A bunch of sailboats at Porto de Galinhas.

And us there.

The great sugar cane fields of Brasil, similar to the corn fields, only with less winter.

This beach kiosk had fake snow on the roof and a Santa and Rudolph for Christmas. It was our favourite drinking kiosk on Boa Viagem.

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