Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Feliz Ano Novo!

It's New Years Eve in Niteroi and we're watching a bunch of guys dressed like girls having a party out the window. I guess it's some kind of tradition.

We've been having an awesome time in Rio so far, as you can probably see. We've visited Copacabana, Christ the Redeemer and Ipanema beach. Because of a certain encounter with the forests of Rio, we won't be going up Sugar Loaf. But we got to experience some awesome views!! We also got to spend an entire beautiful day on the beach here in Niteroi, which is Lucas's home town and just across the bay from Rio. The beach is kinda like a restaurant patio. You get chairs and an umbrella and they'll bring you custom coolers full of whatever drinks you want. Food and clothes and jewelry come floating by all day!! It's awesome. We can wait to go to more beaches here. Except the ocean beat me up. But nevermind that...

We also got to go to Lucas's brother Alexandre and his new wife Juliana's wedding reception!! It was so fun, but because of my serious lack of Portuguese I got dizzy from doing so much smiling and nodding. Lucas's family is really nice and his brother is letting us stay with him and Juliana in their new apartment. So nice!!

Last night we went to a samba club in the Lapas area of Rio, which is kinda like Granville only way more Samba-y. The first club we tried had the longest line I've ever seen!! We walked a block down the line (actually a whole block) and still couldn't see the end of it!! Needless to say, we tried somewhere else, and had an awesome time not being able to Samba. Lucas is pretty good, tho!

Tonight we're going to Copacabana (along with an estimated 2 million other people) to celebrate the New Year. Pictures of that to come!!

So Happy New Year!! Beijos, tchau!

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