Friday, January 16, 2009

Praia do Forte

Beautiful Praia do Forte, where Sandro sews in a Speedo!!

After Recife we flew to Salvador, where we were picked up at the airport and immediately whisked away to Praia do Forte, about an hour out of the city. There we stayed in a Pousada (which is kinda like a bed and breakfast, if bed and breakfasts were like hotels...) with Sandro and Milena; Dale, Nancy and Rick from Seattle; Felipe and Ana, and Priscila, all of whom made long flights to go to Sandro and Milena's wedding.

Greg got to hang out in a Hammock. But when Greg sits in a hammock, it looks like when we wrap the kitten up in a t-shirt. (Kitten pretends he hates it, but we know he loves it).

This is the beach! That kid is walking on water. He's so the new Jesus.

Actually there's reefs all along the shore, and you can walk on them and see all kinds of cool fish and crabs and sea cows (giant slugs).

More beach!

These kittens and their mum lived at the Pousada. They were pretty cute. I wanted to wrap them in a t-shirt!

Sandro and Milena being Brasilian. They taught us how to dance forró.

The Di Segni family!

Sandro's entire family was staying at a resort down the beach. We went to the resort for dinner one night and it was awesome! But the next day when we trying to visit Sandro and Milena there, we were stalked by security on the beach. The security guard harsh looked like Tiger Woods, and he watched me read my book on the beach for 20 minutes before he called for back-up.

At Praia do Forte is a turtle-breeding project called Projeto Tamar. They've hatch sea turtles there and provide them with a safe passage way to the ocean. This is the 30th year, and so these turtles are now returning to breed. The baby turtles hatch every day around sunset, and then they let the turtles go down to the beach and swim away. Everyday except the only day we're there to see it, though, so there's no pictures of baby turtles. I bought a t-shirt, though!

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