Friday, December 26, 2008

Sao Paulo Christmas

Christmas in Sao Paulo was awesome!!! I guess we have a lot to say because I haven't written anything in a week. So, Christmas:

In Brasil Christmas is celebrated at midnight on the 24th (I guess technically the 25th, but...). We were at Andreia's with her extended family. It was almost like New Year's--at midnight we said a little prayer, kissed everyone in the room and ate a huge meal. Afterwards we did presents. Andreia's family does Secret Santa, and they stand up one by one to describe the person they bought for, while everyone tries to guess who it is. Really fun to watch, even though we didn't understand a word. We got some presents too!! Oh yeah, and dinner was outside. It was a beautiful warm night. We could hear fireworks in the neighbourhood for literally 24hours. Greg and I went to bed around 2:30am and the family was still partying strong.

The next day everyone came over again for lunch, which was really nice. We had a nice relaxing day.

On the 26th we got together with Bruno, Karla, Daniela and Daniel at a pub kinda like Yaletown Brew Pub, where they brew the beer there. The beer was really good and actually as strong as Canadian beer, so that was good!! (The beer here is very refreshing, but equivalent to drinking Coors Light, which means we win all the drinking games!) We had a great time with Karla and Daniela and Daniel (Bruno, I could have done without.... :)) But we had to cut it short because we had an early flight to Rio the next day.

So that was Sao Paulo. I'm really excited to go back to see everyone there before we fly out. Saudades, guys!!

Public Soccer Stadium, inside the Soccer Museum.

At the nightclub with Andreia, Danielle's cousin (sorry I forgot your name!!), Danielle, Guilherme, Andre and Cassiano.

The Radesca's fridge (one of two) full of food for Xmas.

Fridge #2.

Mrs. Radesca with her Brasilian daughter and her Canadian daughter (her words, translated by me!!)

Mr and Mrs Radesca

See, Xmas was outside!!


Secret Santa.

Viva Brasil!

Rafael showing his love for the Canucks!

At the Paulista Museum.

Paulista Museum.

Sao Paulo Futebol Club Field.

At the Pub with Andreia, Daniel, Daniela, Bruno and Karla with a K.


Engineer said...

Nice pictures! Specially the guy that's in the last one, wearing a red T-shirt!!

Lauren and Greg said...

That guy??? Not so sure... The rest are good, tho...!