Friday, December 19, 2008

Brazil 08-09 WOOOOOOOOOOO!

That~s the t-shirt we~re going to have made for our trip. The ^WOOOOOOOOO^ will go all the way around the stomach and back. Awesome, right!

You~ve probably noticed we~re having keyboard issues. The kind staff at the restaurant we~re sitting in are trying to help us find the question mark and apostrophe, but it~s a total mystery to all of us. Sorry!!!

We arrived in Sao Paulo of Tuesday and we greeted by Andreia and Sandro. We went straight from the airport to Ilhabela, where we stayed at Sandro~s brother~s AMAZING house!! Ilhabela is a beautiful island off the coast of Sao Paulo state. We did a little shopping (too little, according to Lauren), ate some awesome pizza (with BLUE CHEESE!!), swam in the pool, got some sun, got lots of mosquito bites and learned to samba (but not well).

Last night we arrived in Tapatinga, which is on the mainland coast of Sao Paulo. Apparently Sandro owns all of Brazil, so we could stay at his house in Tapatinga until Guilherme and Andre picked us up to go to their condos here. Today we hung out on the beach, ate patais and Greg played ping pong without a table (the game has a name, but we can~t remember!). Tonight Cassiano and Danielle are coming and we~ll get to spend the weekend with them, too. Tomorrow we~re having a real Brazilian barbecue, which we~re looking forward too. We hope they don~t ask us to samba!!

I tried to take a picture of a house on the beach that had palm trees in front of it and a Santa on the chimney. Seeing Christmas decorations here is realllllllyy strange. A little out of place. Brazil needs a summer-looking Santa.

Gotta go get ready for dinner! We~ll post some pictures when we get to a better internet connection in Sao Paulo!

Beijos. Tchau!

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